Sep 27, 2019
This week's episode is all about orgasms. What are they? What do you they feel like? What keeps you from having one?
Sep 20, 2019
How do you feel about your body? Do you love it? Do you embrace it? When we don’t embrace our body it turns our desire for sex off. So how is your body image affecting your sex life?
Sep 13, 2019
Do you think you have to be “In The Mood” to have sex with your husband? So many times, we think that desire needs to come before arousal. But it often doesn’t work that way. In this episode, we will discuss what things put you in the mood and what things don’t and how you can come to understand that you don’t...
Sep 6, 2019
It’s normal to have ebbs and flows of attraction during a relationship. But what happens when you find yourself not attracted to your spouse anymore? What can you do? What is attraction anyway? Can you get it back?