Dec 31, 2021
Have you ever noticed that when you’re told not to do something, that’s all you want to do? This is called the Forbidden Fruit Effect. We are all born with a natural curiosity that turns into boundary pushing as adolescents. But if we never pushed the boundaries, we would never grow. What does this have to do with...
Dec 24, 2021
I get so many questions from my clients about waxing. So, this week, we’re speaking with Zoey Jolley all about it. Zoey is a licensed esthetician and she is going to answer all of your questions. Have you ever wondered why you should wax instead of shave? What a bikini wax is versus a Brazilian? What should you not do...
Dec 17, 2021
Do you trust others? Your spouse? Your friends? Your co-workers? Your children? If trusting others is hard for you, maybe you don't trust yourself. Trusting yourself is the first step to trusting those around you. Why don't you trust yourself? Listen to this episode to find out why and what you can do about it.
Dec 10, 2021
Do you desire sex? If you said no, why is that? Is it because you have lost your desire completely or is it because you aren’t giving yourself enough space to have that desire? In this episode, I look at the reasons why you no longer feel the desire for sex that you did when you were first married. And the answer to...
Dec 3, 2021
We all fake orgasms every once in a while, right? Studies show that 80% of women have faked an orgasm one time in their relationship. Why? In this episode, I talk about why we as women feel like we need to fake orgasms and why we might want to rethink that. Is it time for a tough discussion with your husband? Listen to...