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Sex for Saints

Nov 26, 2021

I often hear the same things from my clients. The women say, “I have to feel an emotional connection in order to want the physical connection.” And the men say, “I need that physical connection in order to feel emotionally connected.” And that’s where the difficulty lies. But what if I were to tell you that...

Nov 19, 2021

We have all seen the Yin and Yang symbol and we may think we know what it means. But in this episode, let’s talk about what the different energies mean when it comes to sex. In our male driven society, sex is often looked at as Yang. But men and women have both Yin and Yang energies. The trick is to use both your Yin...

Nov 12, 2021

I have a lot of men come to me wanting to be coached. And while I feel for them, I have dedicated my life to helping women with their sexuality. But in this episode, I want to talk to you men out there. I know that you want to change things in your marriage, and not just because you want more sex, but because you want a...

Nov 5, 2021

So often the men in our lives focus on what turns us women on. (Maybe we women do that a bit too!) But maybe they are consciously, or unconsciously, doing something that absolutely turns us off. In the past weeks, we’ve talked about sexual context and what turns women on. Now let’s take a look at what turns us off...