Sep 24, 2021
Does your orgasm take too long? This is a complaint I hear all of the time from my clients. We as women are culturally trained that our needs are secondary to our husband’s and children’s needs. This is what makes us good wives and mothers, or so we’re taught. So, we often worry about how much time it takes us to...
Sep 17, 2021
Did the title of this podcast surprise you? It surprises a lot of my clients too. But it actually makes a lot of sense that you don’t like sex. In this episode, we talk about the top reasons why you don’t like sex. Which one will resonate with you? Then we talk about why those reasons make it so you don’t like...
Sep 10, 2021
I want to ask you a question. Are you afraid of pleasure? Maybe you're thinking, “Of course not! I find pleasure in my family or my job.” But the pleasure I'm talking about is intimate pleasure. Are you afraid to let go and be vulnerable in order to feel pleasure? Is it easier to focus on your spouse's pleasure...
Sep 3, 2021
In this episode, we’re talking about pressure. Both the pressure we put on ourselves and the pressure we feel from our spouses. And in reality, how the internal and external pressure isn’t good for our marriages. Let’s talk about why we put that pressure on and what we can do to let it go and have the relationship...